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Difference Between "Confirmed" and "Expected" Expenses
Difference Between "Confirmed" and "Expected" Expenses
Updated over 4 months ago

On the "Future" page in the Bulder app, you can view future transactions.

Bulder automatically identifies transactions that follow a regular pattern (daily, weekly, biweekly, monthly, annually, etc.) and labels them as "Recurring Transactions".

These fall into two main categories:

1. Confirmed Transactions

These are future payments or transfers that you have manually set up in the app or is associated with an AvtaleGiro or eFaktura that you have approved.

2. Expected Transactions

These are transactions predicted by Bulder based on your previous spending patterns, such as:

  • Recurring Card Payments:

    • Examples: Subscriptions like Spotify or Netflix.

    • Status: These remain as "expected" until the payment date.

  • Reminders You Set:

    • Custom notes you add to track upcoming expenses.

  • Regular Bills:

    • Examples: Electricity bills or mortgage payments.

    • Bulder estimates the next payment amount based on previous bills. When a new invoice is received, the app updates the transaction with the exact amount, changing the status from "expected" to "confirmed" (usually 14 days before the due date).

From Expected to Confirmed

  • Notifications: Expected payments appear in the app 30 days before the payment date.

  • Transition: For payments linked to eFaktura or AvtaleGiro, the app transitions the status to "confirmed" approximately 14 days before the due date, showing the exact amount.

Details View:

  • Tap a transaction to see historical amounts for similar payments.

  • Note: If no amount is shown, it indicates significant variation in previous payments, preventing a reliable estimate.

Hiding Unwanted Transactions

You can hide an expected transaction by:

  1. Tapping the payment

  2. Mark it as a non-recurring payment😊

If the app does not recognize a recurring transaction, you can manually mark it as recurring for future tracking.

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